Interviews mit Referenten

Erfahren Sie in einer Reihe exklusiver Interviews mit einer Auswahl unserer Fachreferenten mehr über die Themen und Technologien, die auf der diesjährigen Konferenz besprochen werden

Autonomous interiors for autonomous vehicles

Richard Chung, executive product program manager (EPM),Toyota Boshoku, on the latest from its MX 191 concept featuring six concierge systems designed to deliver an 'autonomous' interior.

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Active haptic feedback and beyond – the future of touch interaction

Regina Kaiser, senior engineer HMI, electronics system development, Hyundai Motor Group discusses the future of touch interaction and active haptic feedback.

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When materials meet electronics: Novel frontiers in automotive

Dr Nello Li Pira, head of the physical analysis department at FCA – CRF, analyzes the future of materials used in sensors, touch surfaces and biomimetic components.

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Probabilistic driver models for advanced driver assistance systems

Mark Eilers, principal scientist at Humatects GmbH, on a modeling suite for the development of probabilistic driver models and their utilization in a variety of use cases including driver intention recognition, traffic prediction and autonomous control.

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Mobility needs of older and disabled people

Prof. Katja A Rösler, professor of automotive engineering at University of Applied Science HRW, Germany, on demographic change and the mobility needs of older and disabled people.

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Sustainability solutions for automotive interiors in a changing world

Dr George Kellie, director of Kellie Solutions Ltd, focuses on developments in plastics and non-woven materials, and how these are driving sustainability improvements.

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Designing for emotional experiences

Efrat Friedland, founder of Materialscout, believes that the emotional bond between users and their space is important in designing interiors.

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